Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation sees a focus on employee work styles and health as part of its management strategy for enhancing individual skills, improving productivity, and increasing corporate value.
Therefore, we encourage health management for better mental and physical health, with the aim of becoming a company in which every employee can work with vitality and motivation.
We will continue to pursue proactive initiatives to maximize the contributions of our employees, whom we believe are one of the most important assets of a corporation.
Health Management Declaration
Taiyo Nippon Sanso's Health Management Declaration: Creating a work environment that supports and motivates employees
Health is one of the qualities and behaviors of health, integrity, and resourcefulness required of employees. We have declared our commitment to fostering a health-first culture in recognition that employee health is the driving force behind all we do, and through this culture, we encourage sound management and contribution to the creation of a prosperous society.
We also recognize that the mental and physical health of every employee is an asset to the company. Therefore, we strive to create safe and comfortable workplaces.
We want our employees to understand that their own health and the health of their families are the driving force behind both their work and home life. Employees are asked to take responsibility for maintaining and improving their own health as well as to participate in fostering a health-first corporate culture.
Health and Productivity Framework
Health Management Strategy
We believe that it is in the best interests of the company for employees to stay healthy and continue to work. We are working on health management by introducing a health system that allows employees to see their health status at a glance, distributing wearable devices, and holding various seminars with prevention in mind.
For the future growth of the company, we will position work style reform as part of our investment in health, and will work to provide work-life balance and fulfilling lives.
Support for Improving Employee Health
The Company aims to foster a culture that puts health first, following the idea that the health of its employees is the driving force behind everything it does. To promote employee health, we conduct health examinations for all employees as a matter of course. We also subsidize the use of health facilities and participation in health promotion programs, and provide consultations with a physician for workers who are working long hours. Furthermore, all employees who are assigned to postings away from their families are obliged to receive an annual physical and brain health check.
In addition, we are cooperating with industrial physicians and the health insurance associations to assign industrial physicians to each branch office. This will enable us to respond to health issues related to extreme overwork, and expedite support for employees who are returning to work after taking leave for treatment of mental health issues. We have also revised items covered in annual health checks to facilitate the early detection of cancer, and introduced subsidies for employees obtaining influenza vaccinations and treatment to quit smoking. We also conduct yearly health checks for former employees who in the past worked with asbestos and have expressed a desire to receive such checks. For those who receive asbestos health management guidance or have been identified as a being affected by an industrial accident as a result of a health check, we have set up a compensation system.
Holding Health Awareness Seminars
We regularly hold various seminars that contribute to raising health awareness among our employees. Three female speakers - a nutritionist, public nurse, and trainer - were invited from Pasona Inc., a personnel placement firm noted for promoting career advancement for women, to speak at the seminar, which focused on three central themes (female hormone-related issues, exercise, and diet) and also proved to be useful in terms of day-to-day work. In order to promote the creation of a healthy working environment for female employees at our locations nationwide, we offer online seminars on PMS and menopausal disorders, focusing on the "health issues of working women and increasing understanding in the workplace, starting with the understanding of their managers."
Participants engage in stretching at the "Improving the Health of Working Women" seminar
Dental Checkups and Tartar Removal
In response to the results of online dental interviews conducted within the company in 2021, which showed that 93% of interviewees were at risk of periodontal disease, we started "tartar removal and tooth surface cleaning, including oral examination, brushing guidance, and dentin acid erosion diagnosis" at the Head Office of Taiyo Nippon Sanso in 2022. Every year, more than 100 employees receive a dental interview and tartar removal by a dental hygienist, raising awareness of the importance of dental health maintenance, which is said to be essential for maintaining overall health. In promoting health management, the employees of Renaissance, Inc., which supports our health management, also participate in dental checkups.
A medical examination room was temporarily set up in the conference room of the Head Office. Employees received tartar removal by a dental hygienist.
Providing Opportunities for Exercise
We provide opportunities for employees and their families to enjoy physical activities. Starting in 2022, we have been holding the Tamagawa River Cleanup and Nikko Tree Planting Activity.
In the Tamagawa River Cleanup, each team rafts down the upper reaches of the Tamagawa River and exercises their bodies to the fullest in the rich natural environment. Along with rafting, they also pick up trash from the river, having collected a total of about 25 kg of waste over the past two years, including plastic, rubber, and pottery fragments.
In the Nikko Tree Planting Activity, participants plant trees at the Ashio Copper Mine after walking up the mountain to experience the clean air with their whole bodies. Over the past two years, they have planted more than 40 saplings. Based on the fact that the company has developed by utilizing oxygen, we are contributing to the prevention of global warming by planting saplings at the Ashio Copper Mine, thereby creating oxygen in the natural world.
We plan and implement events that support mental and physical health on an ongoing basis, not only to compensate for a lack of daily exercise, but to promote mental health through employee interaction and community contributions.

Each team worked as one, rowing and searching for trash (Tamagawa River Cleanup).
We worked up a nice sweat walking up the mountain and planting trees (Nikko Tree Planting Activity).
Bread and Pesticide-Free Vegetable Sales Events by People with Disabilities
In an effort to increase the health consciousness of employees concerning food, we have been holding multiple sales events of additive-free bread and baked goods made that morning by disabled people, as well as pesticide-free and organic vegetables, from Pasona Heartful since 2018. All of the food items are extremely popular and sell out in the blink of an eye every time.
We are also actively recruiting people with disabilities and promoting employee awareness of diverse human resources and work styles, as well as the creation of workplace environments.
A sales event was held in the lobby of the Head Office. The event was crowded with many employees shopping for healthy and tasty foods.
Subsidies for Influenza Vaccinations
In order to prevent long vacations and ill health due to influenza, we have been offering on-site influenza vaccinations since 2019. More than 200 employees are vaccinated in-house each year.

Wearable Devices for Visualizing Health
In FYE2018, we began distributing wristband-type wearable devices that increase the visibility of individual health-related data. These devices are designed to make employees more health conscious by enabling them to understand their own health status from day to day, providing such information as step count, heart rate, sleep time, and calorie consumption. As of March 31, 2020, approximately 1,300 employees were wearing these devices. From July 2018, we introduced a walking points system where users can convert their daily step count into points redeemable for various services, or donatable to the Japanese Red Cross Society and others. We will continue to devise creative ways to further increase health management in an enjoyable way, and plan to expand the walking points system to include affiliated companies and employees' dependents in the future.

Distributed wearable devices
Caring for Mental Health
We have introduced an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by a third-party specialist and set up an external counseling service. At the same time, we have continued to take steps to support mental health care, including establishing a support program for employees returning to work after taking leave for treatment of mental health issues.
Participants in Mental Health Care Training
Employee Welfare Program
As a welfare program to support the livelihood of employees, we have established a system of employee rent subsidies and housing allowances, as well as company housing and dormitory rental for those relocating to other locations. We have also formulated an "Action Plan to Support the Development of the Next Generation" based on the "Act for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation," and are working to support employees who are balancing work and childcare. As part of these efforts, we issue babysitter discount coupons promoted by the Federal Government Cabinet Office to employees of child-rearing age.
The program also makes it possible for current employees and family members, as well as retired employees, to use three company-owned recreational facilities.
External Evaluation
We have implemented a wide variety of measures under the "Health Management Declaration of Taiyo Nippon Sanso" announced in April 2017. In recognition of its activities as a company that practices outstanding health and productivity management, Taiyo Nippon Sanso has been designated a "Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization 2024 (White 500)" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
As a company that is actively engaged in the implementation of sports to promote employee health, Taiyo Nippon Sanso has been designated a "Sports Yell Company" by the Japan Sports Agency for four consecutive years since 2021.